Welcome to the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce, where membership opens doors to valuable business opportunities. By joining, you'll connect with fellow business owners and professionals who share your vision for success. Engage in networking events, cultivate strategic relationships, and showcase your business to a supportive audience. Enjoy the added advantage of elevating your online presence through a spot in our trusted directory, boosting your website's search engine optimization (SEO). As a member, you'll be part of a thriving business network as well as become an active participant in the vibrant Wheaton community. Learn more about the benefits of Wheaton Chamber membership by participating in our "Members Matter" orientation. This 45-minute session held twice a month via Zoom, provides a comprehensive overview of how the Chamber can support new members, current members, and those considering joining. Check out our event calendar for the next “Members Matter.”

Member Application:

* Company Name:  
* Phone:  
* Website:
* Email:
* Business Description (200 char max)
* Business Keywords: (enter a space between words)
* Join Reason:
* Physical Address:  
* City/State/ZIP:  
* Mailing Address: Same as physical address
* City/State/ZIP:
* Directory Category:
Social Networking: LinkedIn:

Primary Contact Information:

* Name (First / Last):  /   
* Title:  
* Phone:  
Cell Phone:
* Email:  
Contact Preference: Email  Phone
* Login:
* Password:
Social Networking: LinkedIn:
* Address: Same as Member Address
* City/State/ZIP:

Billing Contact Information:

Same as Primary Contact
* Name (First / Last):  /   
* Title:  
* Phone:  
Cell Phone:
* Email:  
Contact Preference: Email  Phone
* Login:
* Password:
Social Networking: LinkedIn:
* Address: Same as Member Address
* City/State/ZIP:
Membership Package:
Essential Business Membership: $399.00
Value packed with benefits and online tools that work for you around the clock. Build your network, promote your business, develop professionally, enjoy enhanced affiliations and savings.
Essential Non Profit Business Membership: $199.00
All the value of the Essential Business Package at a discount that will enable you to continue to do your good works.
Advantage Business Membership: $600.00
Expand your Exposure! Enjoy these rewards: your collateral displayed in the Chamber lobby, inclusion in the featured member campaign and complimentary use of the Chamber Conference Room.
Distinguished Business Membership: $1,000.00
Increase your impact! In additional to all the benefits and rewards of the previous levels, enjoy the exclusive feature of having your logo on wheatonchamber.com
Select Business Membership: $5,000.00
Premiere Business Membership: $10,000.00
Additional Fees:
Ambassador Club Outreach: $0.00
An experienced, well-connected member who serves as a Chamber Ambassador will reach out to you for a personalized connection in the way you prefer: email, phone or in-person!
Payment Option:
Charge my credit or debit card
Submit Application:
Enter the CAPTCHA answer, then press the Submit Application button.
What is the sum of 10 plus 6?
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