Wheaton Police Award Medals

June 14, 2011

Wheaton Police Award Medals

Deputy Chief Thomas E. Meloni

Wheaton Police Department Presents Awards


The department’s motto "To Protect and To Serve," first penned by Sir Robert Peel (circa 1850), best describes the duties and responsibilities inherent in the law enforcement profession. On June 10, 2011 in a ceremony held at the police facility, Chief Mark Field presented the following awards in recognition of the exemplary efforts of several department members.

Civilian of the Year was presented to Community Service Officer Janice Bahno. Community Service Officer Bahno was selected by a committee of past award recipients for her outstanding, consistent, and professional contributions of service to the community.

Officer of the Year was presented to Detective David Zdan. Detective Zdan was selected by a committee of past award recipients for his outstanding, consistent, and professional skills in conducting criminal investigations. Detective Zdan’s efforts cleared multiple serious felony crimes by arrest.

A Life Saving Medal was presented to Officer Joe Dimas, for his outstanding efforts in the saving of a human life. On January 30, 2011 Officer Dimas rendered first aid to an unconscious and unresponsive victim of a cardiac arrest. Officer Dimas’ quick and precise actions in the application of an automatic electronic defibrillator, resulted in the saving of the victim’s life.

A Life Saving Medal was also presented to Officer Rommy Sanchez and Officer Tricia Tamburrino, for their outstanding efforts in the saving of a human life. On March 16, 2011 Officers Sanchez and Tamburrino rendered first aid to an unconscious and unresponsive victim of a cardiac arrest. Officer Sanchez’ and Officer Tamburrino’s quick and precise actions in the application of cardio pulmonary resuscitation, resulted in the saving of the victim’s life.

A Unit Citation was presented to Detectives Karl Dillenkoffer, Clifford Dillon, Edward Fanning, Stephen Hamill, Patti Potter, Jason Scott, Andrew Uhlir, David Zdan; School Liaison Officers Adnan Hasan, and Delyne Magnier; and Investigative Division Commander James Volpe. During the summer of 2010 the Investigative Division members worked together on the investigation of multiple street level narcotic dealers. In late August of 2010, a total of eight narcotic dealers were arrested. The Unit Citation was awarded for their individual and collective efforts in clearing by arrest the investigation of multiple narcotic sales cases.

The men and women of the Wheaton Police Department consider it a privilege "To Protect and To Serve" the community of Wheaton.