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RE/MAX Suburban Realtor

1417 N. Main St.
Wheaton, IL 60187
(630) 653-1900
Fax: (630) 653-0952
Located at the corner of Main Street and Hawthorne - north of the downtown business district.
Monday to Friday 9 - 5. Open after hours by appointment!

who to contact

Cheryl Shurtz · Managing Broker · Phone:(630) 868-6322  · Fax(630) 653-0952

about us

Residential and Commercial sales. ''The Hometown Experts With a World of Experience'' RE/MAX Suburban has made Wheaton home for over 40 years in the same location. RE/MAX Suburban invested in the Wheaton community by remodeling our current space. The RE/MAX Suburban-Wheaton office is staffed with more than 40 experienced Realtors who live in the area. We are committed to our local community and donate numerous hours to multiple charitable and service organizations, We have a deep personal interest in the neighbors and clients we serve. Our office is proud to support Children's Miracle Network. RE/MAX Suburban is a family owned company and has 10 offices throughout the western suburbs and is the largest RE/MAX in Northern Illinois. We are here to help you - drop in anytime for a cup of coffee and a chat!
